A multimedia celebration of Ashford and its railways performed across three central Ashford locations, with accompanying video at Ashford International Station

Act 1 (Revelation Ashford)

Act 2 (County Square Shopping Centre)

Act 3 (Elwick Place)
Audience reactions to All Change for Ashford
“It was the best evening entertainment we have had for years…for once Ashford did something worthwhile.”
“Really enjoyed it. Had me laughing and crying”
“I loved it. I felt so proud of Ashford and felt quite emotional at the end of the show.”
“It felt that we’d participated in something important for the town and I’d love to see more like it”
“The actors were amazing, the music was fantastic, the story was entertaining and informative & the production was perfect. It made me so proud to be a part of this town.”
“An amazing show and something of which Ashford should be incredibly proud.”
“Gob-smacked! A first-rate performance and very well worth the trip.”
“Absolutely amazing, full of info and facts.”
“I think people will be talking about this for years to come.”

All Change For Ashford - Our Railways in Lockdown. Coming soon to Ashford International Station
Funded by: Arts Council England, Ashford Borough Council, Community Rail Network, John Booth Foundation, Keltbray Foundation, Kent Community Foundation, Kent County Council & Southeast Communities Rail Partnership